As a Christian musician and song writer I try to present music that is fitting for either a concert setting or a worship service — music that lifts up Jesus and focuses on Him as the object of our worship, and my only reason for being.
But I also firmly believe that music does not have to present an overt Christian message or mention the name Jesus to be a valid ministry. The Great Commission is all about reaching the unchurched. That isn’t limited to just trying to reach the people who don’t go to church but who otherwise understand and believe the Word about Jesus. There are hurting people who need to see Jesus in action, not hear a sermon. These people may come to your church, or they may come to a concert of “Christian” music held in a safe, non-threatening environment. But then again they may not.
You might find them at a rock concert. Or you might find them in a restaurant. Or you might find them in a — gasp — bar. But there are some who are not going to come to you. You will have to go to them.
This site includes links to other Christian sites, as well as general music sites, both artist-related and equipment-related. Although a roots revival is popular these days and many folks are grabbing their acoustic guitars and unplugging (well, plugging into a PA, to be sure), I happen to be a gear freak. It’s not that I have anything against acoustic music; it’s just that playing acoustic guitar is not what I do best. The point being that this is my rationale for including the links to gear sites.
Having said all that, it is my intention that you can safely follow the links provided without coming across any strongly offensive material. But as you probably know, there are links to links to links. Please contact me if you run into any such material when following the links from this site. Thanks.
Lastly, I pray that this website will reveal in some small measure the love I feel for Jesus, my God and my Savior.